Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a Chiropodist and a Podiatrist?
• There is no difference. A podiatrist is the internationally recognised name for a foot specialist.

What should I expect on my first visit?
• You will be asked for some personal information, such as contact details and be asked for any necessary information that may be relevant to your treatment i.e. if you are a diabetic. The chiropodist will then complete an examination of your feet and offer treatment and advice.

Will my personal data be shared with a third party?
• No, all personal information will be kept secure and not shared with any other third party. An exception would be to share information with your doctor or hospital specialist regarding your foot complaint, but only with your prior permission.

How long will my treatment take?
• This depends on the nature of your foot problem. We give the necessary treatment time to each individual patient to deliver the appropriate treatment, ensuring your feet are returned to the most comfortable state possible.

How often should I return?
• The majority of patients realise the benefit of Podiatry/Chiropody treatments are truly gained when visiting on a regular basis of 6-8 weeks. By enjoying regular treatment your feet will be kept in the best possible condition.

Does the treatment hurt?
• In general routine podiatry treatments are pain free and lead to great comfort and reduction of previous pain associated with the foot problem presented.

Do you offer after care advice?
• Yes, we have information that you can take away with you offering advice on prevention, recurrence of a complaint and products available to assist in the care of your feet.